How do I extract the call recordings from the app?

To share individual recordings, go to the History tab, find the desired calls with recordings, and select the Share button. For bulk extraction on iOS, use iTunes or Finder. On Android, go to File > Audio > recordings to locate and share the files.

For more information on managing recording files, go to the Accessing Call Recordings section for Android and iOS respectively at

Extracting Call Recordings on iOS

  • For individual files:
    1. In the History tab, select RECORDED (2) to sort calls with recording(s). The Recording a recording icon icon (1) denotes the call log has recording(s).iOS's Acrobits Softphone History tab filtered with recorded calls iOS's Acrobits Softphone call details screen
    2. Select the Information a information icon (3) icon beside the name or phone number you want to open the call details.
    3. Select the Play (4) button to playback the recording.
    4. Select Information a information icon (5) > Share to send the file to the desired location.
  • For bulk extraction:

Extracting Call Recordings on Android

If you tap on the 3 dot menu button next to the recording in the history, there is a share option where you can share the file via all the usual methods used on android.

  • For individual files:
    1. In the History tab, select RECORDED (2) to sort calls with recording(s). The Recording a recording icon icon (1) denotes the call log has recording(s).
      Android's Acrobits Softphone History tab filtered with recorded calls Android's Acrobits Softphone call details screen
    2. Select the Information a information icon (3) icon beside the name or phone number you want to open the call details.
    3. Select the Play (4) button to playback the recording.
    4. Select More information (5) > Share to send the file to the desired location.
  • For bulk extraction:
    1. Using an Android file manager, go to Audio recordings on your device.
      Note: The file location may vary among devices.
    2. Copy and share the desired files in the folder.
      The file path typically follows this format: /storage/emulated/0/Music/<app name>/rec_<SIP account name>_<caller   name>_<username>@xxxxxxxxx.wav  (where xxxxxxxxx represents a string of letters and numbers).