How to block incoming callers in the Groundwire app?

There are two ways to prevent unwanted VoIP calls: Do Not Disturb (DND) and Incoming Call Processing. DND can block calls for the entire app (all SIP accounts) and a specific account, while Incoming Call Processing applies only to the entire app.

Their key difference is that DND lets you schedule blocking for multiple callers at once, and Incoming Call Processing allows rejecting calls all day but requires setting individual rules for each caller.

Feature DND Incoming Call Processing
Scheduling Yes No
Scope Entire app and specific SIP account Entire app only

Setting Global DND to Block Calls

The global setting applies to the entire application. If you have multiple SIP accounts, you do not receive calls to all of them when the DND is activated.

  1. To open the Preferences screen:
    • Android devices - On the Main screen, select Android Settings icon > Settings > Preferences.

    • iOS devices - Open the Keypad tab, select iOS Setting icon > Preferences.

  2. Select Do Not Disturb.
  3. Select the + button.
  4. On the New DND Rule screen, schedule the Time and Weekdays, add the specific callers in Contacts, and describe the DND rule in Comment if needed.
    Groundwire New Do Not Disturb screen on Android and iOS with callouts
  5. Ensure this DND rule is enabled (2) so that it always stays active.
  6. Select the Add (1) button.

The following video demonstrates how to set up the global DND feature to prevent calls from unknown callers on weekends.

Setting SIP Account-Specific DND to Block Calls

The global setting applies only to a specific SIP account only. You do not receive calls to that account when the DND is activated.

  1. To open the SIP account screen:
    • Android devices - On the Main screen, select Android Settings icon > Settings > Accounts.

    • iOS devices - Open the Keypad tab, select iOS Setting icon > Accounts.

  2. Select the desired SIP account.

  3. Select Advanced Settings > Do Not Disturb.

  4. Select the + button.
  5. On the New DND Rule screen, schedule the Time and Weekdays, add the specific callers in Contacts, and describe the DND rule in Comment if needed.
    Groundwire New Do Not Disturb screen on Android and iOS with callouts
  6. Ensure this DND rule is enabled (2) so that it always stays active.
  7. Select the Add (1) button.

The following video demonstrates how to set up a DND feature to prevent calls from unknown callers during the night for a specific SIP account.

Setting Incoming Call Processing to Block Calls

Create Incoming Call Processing rules to reject callers from specific numbers.

  1. To open the Preferences screen:
    • Android devices - On the Main screen, select Android Settings icon > Settings > Preferences.

    • iOS devices - Open the Keypad tab, select iOS Setting icon > Preferences.

  2. Select Incoming Call Processing.
  3. Select the or the Add rule button.
  4. On the Rewriting Rules (Android) or Edit Rule (iOS) screen, select the + button beside Conditions.

    Groundwire adding Incoming Call Processing screen on Android and iOS
  5. Select a Condition type > Equals.
  6. In the new entry displayed below Conditions, type the caller you want to block.
    Note: For iOS devices, select the Done button after specifying the Conditions value.

  7. Select the + button beside Actions, and then select Reject Call.

  8. Select Back.
  9. To block another number, repeat steps 3 to 8.
    The list of rules is displayed on the Incoming Call Processing screen.
    Groundwire multiple Incoming Call Processing rules on Android and iOS