We have multiple support channels available for our customers.
Contact our support team if you have any questions at all via one of the following ways:
General support (for non-customers)- Send an email to support@acrobits.net.
For Cloud Softphone customers:
- Log in to the Cloud Softphone portal at providers.cloudsoftphone.com.
- Select your softphone project.
- Select the + Create support ticket button at the bottom of the screen.
The Create support ticket page is displayed.
For Acrobit Softphone and Groundwire users, submit a ticket to the Acrobits Help Desk:
- Submit a ticket at acrobits.net/support.
Android devices - On the Main screen, select
> Settings > Help (1).
iOS devices - Open the Keypad tab, select
> Help (2) > Contact Support.
- Submit a ticket at acrobits.net/support.
Our support engineers will respond as soon as they can.